Tuesdays and Thursdays

12:00 – 12:45pm

Nourish and feed what is inside you wanting to be expressed.  Whether you are just starting your day or need a booster, let our time together be one where we allow ourselves to be nourished by our breath, by the beat of our hearts, by our creative ideas and dreams and by our soul’s unfolding and unfurling. May you be nourished by our own presence, by the presence of others and by spirit as it moves with and through you.  

We will close with a group goodbye.  After our closing, the zoom room will be open for 10 minutes for those who would like more time to share.

No experience or level of fitness required to attend and feel nourished.


All events are being offered on a sliding scale ($25-$5) so these events can be available to all during these fragile times. Please be aware that these classes are my only income and make your payment choice with that consideration and your own financial situation. There is no expectations or judgement on what one can afford.

Tuesday July 14

Event Pricing

Tuesday July 21

Event Pricing

Thursday July 16

Event Pricing

Thursday July 23

Event Pricing

1. Choose the pricing that feels right for you at this time from the dropdown menus.

2. When you have completed your payment (AND BEFORE YOU LEAVE PAYPAL), click on the Return To Merchant button to complete your registration. Once registerd you wil receive a confirmation email from Zoom. If you skip this step, you will not be registered for the class.

Please note that if there are less than 4 people per event, the event will be cancelled, your payment refunded, or you can choose to donate to Mandala to help support our organization and events.



You’ll need a computer, iPad or iPhone, and a good internet connection.

If you have a computer, choose that over the iPad or iPhone. Not only will the sound be better but also you can interact more and see more of your fellow movers. 

If you can, connect your computer/device to an external speaker or use headphones for better sound quality. 

I use a platform called Zoom It is painless, fast, and free. You will need to have that downloaded   https://zoom.us/ – on whatever device you are using to attend – Computer, IPad or Phone.


Make sure your computer or device is plugged in or charged.

Make space to dance. If you are in a shared space, find a room to yourself so you can dance un-self-consciously. Better yet, invite your housemates and/or family to join you. 

Please silence all devices and home phones. Minimizing your distractions will support you in being as present as possible.

Wear comfortable clothes to move in and have your water bottle nearby.


Note time is Central Standard Time (CST).

When you link into our Zoom class, you will be in a “waiting room” until our host admits you. The waiting room screen indicates that you are in the right place. Your microphone will be muted by default by the host when entering.

The zoom room will be open 10 minutes before each class to allow yourself to arrive and warm-up. Also, if you have any questions about zoom, send a message through chat to me and I will try to help you out before the start of the event. Please arrive on time. There will be no entry 10 minutes after the start of the class.

This part is optional – At some events we will close with 5-10 minutes of Connection/Integration/Shares either as a group or in Breakout rooms following the completion of the movement session. If the closing is in Breakout rooms, we will come together after the 5-10 minutes as a group for a minute to say goodbye. Even though this is optional, we hope you will take the opportunity to share your experience.  We all learn so much about and from each other during these shares. 

At some events, the zoom room will be open for 10 minutes after the session for more sharing in desired.


Please do not share the zoom link with anyone who has not registered for this class as we want to build a safe and aligned container. 

If anyone engages in inappropriate behavior during the class, they will be removed by the Host.

You may turn off your camera at any point if you would prefer not to be seen. However, we do hope you will not make that choice.  If you do not want to be seen we ask that if possible you upload a picture of yourself, which can be done by clicking on the tree dots in your zoom window, so we know who you are.

If I chose to Spotlight (picking your window to be the focus and take up the whole screen) and you do not want to be focused on, just move from outside of the camera view and I will pick another.

If I chose to do Breakout rooms, (where two to 4 people are in their own room to dance or to share) and you would not like to be involved, please just turn your mic and video off. If there are only two participants and one or both of you choose not to be involved, please just take that time to be in silence with or without your mic or video on. In all cases, please do not leave the breakout room, so you can return to the whole group when the Breakout room closes.

If you would like to pin (connecting to another’s participant’s window for a partner dance), we request you ask for their consent in the Chatbox via private message, respecting other’s boundaries and forms of consent.

We ask that you do not post in the Chat unless asking to pin, are having technical issues or have questions. There will be time at the end of the session to share through the chat or on screen. 

Please respect your teacher and fellow participants by not recording the session, taking screenshots where other participants can be seen or Shazaming music (that takes you away from the dance).  You are always welcome to ask about music or a particular song after the session closes in the chat or by emailing me. 

I will be recording our session in speaker view for my own learning purposes as a teacher and no one will be included in this recording besides myself.

If you have any further questions about this class, please reach out to me at karyn@mandala-cfta.org



FULL SCREEN VIEW – Select the Square Icon in the left corner.

SPEAKER VIEW and GRID VIEW – Grid view is recommended when we’re dancing, so we see and get inspired by each other.


NAME YOURSELF – Please name yourself and it would be nice to know where you are located if you are willing – EXP – John Smith, Chicago, IL

MUTE or UNMUTE – Your microphone will be set to mute by default. Please do not unmute yourself as it creates a disturbance with all the background noise and reduces feedback. It also means you can make as much noise as you want. The host will unmute to allow sharing or when and if we do breakout rooms.

STOP VIDEO –We hope that you will keep it on as it helps build connection. Your presence matters! If you need to have your video off in order to attend then, of course, do so.


THE PIN FEATURE – This allows you to see only the pinned person’s window. However, whoever you pinned will not know you pinned them; so out of respect for personal boundaries, we ask that you ask permission through the chat.


ADD PROFILE PICTURE – If you would like your video off, we would still like to know who you are, so please upload a picture of yourself using this feature if possible.

HIDE SELF VIEW – This takes your window out of being seen by the group.  You can reenable by clicking “Show Self-View” on the UPPER ZOOM TASKBAR.  I ask that this is not used.  I would like to know who is with us in the session. Your presence matters!

RAISE YOUR HAND FEATURE – You can use this during the sharing time if you would like to speak. The host will then unmute you.



MUTE/UNMUTE & STOP/START VIDEO – Can also be done by clicking the three dots in your own window.

CHAT – If you are having technical problems or questions, this is the place to go to.